Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Planet Terror

So I finally got around to watching the Grindhouse movies, Planet Terror and Death Proof. While I really enjoyed Planet Terror, I can't really say the same for Death Proof. But I digress... I thought that Rose McGowan's character Cherry Darling was pretty sweet so I decided to do a little sketch on her with her fun leg. Kind of like the way this turned out. I think I might just paint this sketch. Man I hated Death Proof!


Anonymous said...

helllooooo handicapped nurse!

elizabeth said...


MARILLA said...

I thought you would like death proof too..
it was kind of SLOW though,
but ending was amazing I thought..
I watched jyuon 2 finally,, I had been watching bits of it, anyway.....it was pretty scary...did you see it?

Chris Battle said...

Well done, man! Will a color print be happening soon? 'Cause it should.

Armen said...

great drawing Hugo, getting better and better all the time, THAT'S THE STUFF!!!