Monday, February 4, 2008

Lamp Post

Something I can't help but stare at a lot are classic lamp posts. There are so many cool looking lamp posts everywhere, but they are often hidden by massive buildings, trees, or modern posts. To bad too because they can add such a touch of class to any street. So here is my piece to honor the lamp post. May your light always shine bright...


elizabeth said...

Where can I get an outfit like the one the girl is wearing?!

Nice "post!" (wah wah waaaaaaah)

Kyri Kyprianou said...

i too, am a lamp post lover. ahem. gotta love those lamp posts. seriously though, i like this piece a lot!

all the best.

just strted a new blog by the way, pass by if you like:

Boogervampire said...

That is one bad ass lamp post. I'm liking the muted color pallet thingy too. (Me and technical jargon not good. :P )

Anonymous said...

the light is so bright she has to shield herself from it with an umbrella!!

that's a pretty sweet lamp post i want one. naked ladies and all!

Joseph Lee said...

Cool design!

"C" said...

good stuffs!

PotatoFarmGirl said...

Wow Hugo, this is awesome. The lighting in this is quite bee-you-tee-phul.

Celeste said...

I'm glad you like to stare at lamp posts. Nice work!