Friday, September 26, 2008

Sketchbook Vs. Paper

Here is another page of work doodles done on some random piece of paper. For some reason I can't seem to work in a sketchbook. I can draw on any paper that I find without a problem but if it's a sketchbook page it stays blank. I've even bought some nice looking sketchbooks thinking that it would intrigue me to draw in them. Nope. I think I have this idea that they should only be full of pristine nice drawings. Not no loose drawings or half ass looking doodles. I need to get over this somehow because they are a good way of keeping artwork all together. I'll see how that goes, heh heh heh. This doodle though has me thinking that a tattoo that's as crazy and full as this might look cool, no?


elizabeth said...

Indeed a tattoo would look awesome!!!

I've seen some online tutorials on how to bind your own books... might be a good solution to the sketchbook woes- also, hand bound books look really cool

Boogervampire said...

Or. . . you could just tape your random papers in your sketch book. :)

It's not ghetto. . . it's crafty.

Lovin' the doodles though, sketchbook bound or not.

Skottie Young said...

I've gone thru the same thing. I have a stack of sketchbooks, one looking like some relic from a Harry Potter movie with torn rough edges and the whole nine... but I can never draw in them. There's something about it being forever, it's IN THE BOOK. I like the option of it being IN THE TRASH if I choose. A few years back I started drawing on simply printer paper for sketches, and then even pages. Now I use the Cintiq which is even more like loose paper.

Great drawings!

kevin said...

cool sketches again, i like those buildings in the background

Martin Wittig said...

I have that saame problem sometimes. Anyway it seems to be working outr for you! Really nice sketch!!:)

Chris Battle said...

Awesome doodles, man! I have the same phobia of sketchbooks-- If a doodle sucks, I need to be able to crumple it up and toss it! Not so with those fancy bound books...

Patrick Kochakji said...

Great drawings man! I like the girl w/ the boots. Very stylish.

lorelay bove said...

great blog!

Unknown said...

I have the same problem with sketchbooks. It's really weird, but I've found that it helps if you keep the sketchbook only for yourself, so that you don't have to show it to anyone. Then it's almost as easy as sheets of paper. Tossing paper away is always easier, but you can just turn the page, or draw something on top. Cool blog! and great sketches in sketchbook or not :D

Howard Shum said...

Nice doodles!